helping christians stop the voice of depression

Finding the assurance within yourself to be confident and productive


Have you ever?

Felt STUCK! in almost every part of life? or Disappointments have piled up to the point of being on a roller coster of sadness and anxiety? or Been hurt by someone close and you keep playing the would’ve, could’ve, should’ve over and over until you finally give in to all the negative self-talk so that you stay on the verge of tears all day, everyday? 


You’ve been feeling overwhelmingly sad and depressed for so long that now you’re exhausted and numb and everything has piled up so much that now you feel an anxiety attack coming on because of the fear of not knowing how to get out of this vicious cycle and don’t know how to ask for help?


Imagine instead…

Waking up, grabbing a cup of coffee, and as you look out the window, you take a deep breath of satisfying excitement to feel God was there waiting on you with words of affirmation. After a small conversation with God, you feel an overwhelming confidence letting you know you’re ready to face the day.


Coming home feeling content from a productive day at work. Dinner time with family is filled with making plans, telling jokes, and laughing hysterically. You end your day having devotions and journaling everything God showed you and spoke to you throughout the day.

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My name is Jason Wilson:
I help christians who struggle with depression become assured and content with themselves so they can lead confident and productive lives. I am a certified professional life coach through Fowler International Academy. Also, as an Ordained Bishop, I am passionate, caring, and dedicated to partnering with and helping others cope and stop the voice of depression. I am certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and have experience in helping many find true contentment and confidence in life and relationships.

Depression in the christian community is still a very taboo and misunderstood subject and I am dedicated to complete confidentiality because asking for help is one of the hardest things to do as a christian facing and experiencing this issue.

Don’t forget to get your FREE guide to Understanding
the Infections of Your Soul


“Prior to the coaching sessions with Jason, I was dealing with deep depression, suicidal thoughts, and the lack of all hope. The Lord delivered me through prayer in a miraculous way. However, I knew that on-going study may not be enough to help me going forward. That is where Jason’s coaching sessions came into play. With Jason's guidance and intense sessions, I was able to find answers I needed, identify action steps going forward, and in God's way, how to deal with difficult situations and identify ways to handle them. The coaching sessions were life changing and Jason was great at helping me to understand how to continue to grow. Jason, Thanks for all your patience and caring attitude.”  --- Dale




This is 10 weeks of sharing the secrets that will help you understand how depression is taking its toll on your mind and soul. We will work together to discover the answers to why and how depression’s voice seems to be so loud that it drowns out all the joy in life. Every step will be personally unique to you and will build on each other until Joy is once more your strength. Coping with depression is much easier when you know how to put a muzzle on its voice!

  • Know how depression affects your soul, mind, and body

  • Finding assurance in identity

  • Stop the voice of depression in its tracks.

  • Know how to live with purpose and confidence